Stube HEMAT: A Learning Space For Everyone

PowerPoint training in Majaran, Sorong

Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Raja Ampat.         

The issue of education in the West Papua region became an interesting topic to discuss when news emerged that 68.988 West Papuan kids were out of school due to various reasons. It must get serious attention, not only for schools and students but also for families, churches, the community, the government, and institutions or individuals having concerns to improve the quality of education in West Papua.

The concern for the world of education is part of the Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Raja Ampat as a movement to improve the quality of Human Resources, especially young people. This semester, the multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Raja Ampat launched an Education program: Leaving No One Behind. The program refers to technology that changes the way of human life and plays an important role in every aspect of life. It must be admitted that technology makes work easier and more efficient, but not everyone in Raja Ampat can easily access the technology due to economic, communication, and facility barriers.

One of the breakthroughs from the Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Raja Ampat is providing PowerPoint learning assistance to answer the demands of making presentation skills at school and work. The activity took place at the Evangelical Christian Church in Tanah Papua (GKI Papua) Marthen Luther Congregation, Majaran, Sorong, Southwest Papua (Thursday, 16/2/2023). Initially, the target participants were young people, it turned out that several twelve junior high school teachers, extension workers, church activists, and employees participated in the mentoring guided by Patrick Sarwom, Ando Korwa, and Trustha Rembaka.

In the first part, Patrick Sarwom guided the participants to observe the menu functions commonly used in making PowerPoint presentations from basic functions, choosing a template, entering text, and modifying the appearance of colors, images, and animations. At this session, it was revealed that the participants were using the old version application because there were menus that were not yet available. In the process of making the presentation, Ando Korwa guided the participants to design a church liturgical presentation for Easter. The participants competed to find the right picture, type, and size of letters, color composition, and animation so that the presentation would be interesting. The third part is a presentation that displays the results of each participant's PowerPoint designs and Trustha Rembaka played a role as the responder. In general, the content must appear by covering the name of the activity, the theme of the activity, the place, the time, and the image presented. He provided input such as writing that must be easily read and understood by the reader by using a bold typeface, choosing a contrasting color, and placing the writing according to the template so it will not block the image.

Rev. Grace Nanuru, the Multiplicator of Stube HEMAT in Raja Ampat, and the church pastor appreciated the participants' PowerPoint designs. She said that all activities of the Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Raja Ampat became a learning space for everyone, so that the existing inputs became the basis for designing the next presentation better, she even opened the chance for the participants to design a church liturgy PowerPoint to be displayed at church services.

Motivation becomes a person's basic strength to develop and to adapt technological advances. Such training can be a learning opportunity to improve self-quality for the future. ***
